The Barley Greens Experiment

written by

Sandra Ressler

posted on

January 11, 2022

Awhile back I did a blog post on how we were experimenting with feeding barley greens in the winter.  You can read here about "How we handled the winter feed challenge" at that time.

There was definitely a learning curve to that venture!  Temperature,
moisture, and ventilation are all important aspects of raising healthy
greens.  One of the obstacles we had to overcome was the tendency of the
barley seed to get moldy during the sprouting process.

We eventually learned that soaking the seed in a peroxide solution was the answer. 
Peroxide's chemical composition is H2O2, water with an extra oxygen
molecule!  Peroxide is often used in hydroponic gardens, greenhouses,
and such.  It's a natural way to kill the bacteria that causes mold, and
the extra oxygen is beneficial for the plants.  Who knew!!

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